Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I didn't think I lived in the backwoods

there is a baby possum hiding somewhere in my utility room.


it is nowhere to be found. both times it was seen, it scarpered behind the washing machine & dryer. We looked behind and under both appliances and it was not there. BUT - the dryer vent has a hole in it (big enough for a large rat or rat looking creature), and the vent on the outside of the house has no cap. So, we think it was coming and going through the vent to get to the cat food. I have blocked the end of the vent (without backing up the actual venting process of the dryer) until I can get to the store this weekend to buy a vent cap for outside.

mystery solved. (I think)

13 deeply creased, dogeared comment(s):

Lee said...

Is it mean of me to say those things are ugly?

Good luck with that.

Girlplustwo said...

put some water in a bowl and a nice blanket. must be a bit lonely in there..

Bob said...

Lee - I think they're ugly too - when they're in my house. They are much cuter outside.

Jen - there is already water and cat food out there, which is, I think, why it is there in the first place. The cats seem to be tolerating it, so it has company. What more could it ask for?

Antonia Cornwell said...

Aw! I wish I lived somewhere where baby possums strayed into the house. We get foxcubs coming in the catflap, but then the cat punches them in the nose and they run away.

Anonymous said...

I will send the spirit of my Fox Terrier your way. She was a keen one for possum.

Bob said...

antonia - our cats are totally indifferent to it. They've had a stern talking to, but won't tell us where it's hiding.

De - I didn't know fox terriers made good coon hounds. send it on, I need the help!

meno said...

If you are REALLY from the South, you'll be makin' 'possum pie.

Bob said...

meno - nice try. you have to REALLY be from the backwoods, and damned hungry, to eat possum.

Lynnea said...

Well, did ya get the varmint? I think they are ugly too. Like rats, only creepier if that is possible.

Mother of Invention said...

Where is Jed Clampett when you need'im?!

Bob said...

maggie - yeah, when Laura first saw it, she thought it was a big rat.

MoI - I guess he went back to the hills. he'd've made possum stew for sure.

amusing said...

Oh, get real. That possum has gone to the same place where all the socks go. You'll never find it.

Bob said...

Amusing - I always wondered.....