Daisy has tagged me for this meme and I guess as she commands, I obey (kinda old-testamenty vibe here).
1) If I were an all-powerful being and ruled this world, I would:
Make sure every child was raised in a safe and happy home; well fed and educated to the extent they are capable. This would solve the majority of the problems in the world within a generation.
2) If I could be all-knowing, I would want to know:
The reality of all of the mysteries of the past. Did Nero burn Rome? Who was Lucy’s ancestor and descendants? Was Mary Magdalene Jesus’ wife, the “head” disciple, or camp follower? What did the seven wonders of the world really look like? Did Oswald act alone? Did Atlantis really exist? How is my first love doing? Where are my missing socks?
3) If I could move the heavens and the earth, I would:
Give people the wisdom to peacefully coexist.
4) If I had the power to shift time (or move through time) I would:
Go back and watch the world come into being. Watch the first spark of curiosity in mankind. Watch my children being born. Give people the opportunity to really see their what ifs……
5) If, in my infinite wisdom, I were able to bestow anything on anyone, I would:
Give everyone the ability to be happy.
6) If, looking back, I realized I had goofed when I made the world, I would fix:
How easy it is to hate.
As usual, I won't tag anyone - but if you feel compelled, take this up and link back so we can see.