Friday, October 12, 2007

....begins with the fist step

Poor internets, I am neglecting you so. Things are getting busy around here, my oft-postponed trip to Bahrain is actually rapidly approaching. The travel dates haven't been selected, but all the preparation will be completed by the end of this month, so sometime in November......

It's looking like I will be gone for about 4 weeks and will probably repeat next spring (in between a trip to Pakistan will probably occur). So, I'm busy looking at visa requirements, getting an international driver's license (haven't had one of those in 17 years), checking for immunization requirements, reading up on the area, brushing up my arabic, etc. I'm having a difficult time concentrating on other things -like posting on my blog. I do take occasional breaks to read your blogs, though - all work, no play drives Bob nuts.

I did play a little last weekend, I went to Mountain Day. This is an annual celebration of the birthday of the founder of Berry College - Martha Berry. I meet my best friend (and roommate while there) almost every year there and we putz around, looking to see if we recognize anyone and walk around the main campus to see what's changed. The trip is mostly an excuse to spend some time with him, the college has changed so much and although it is a beautiful as ever (there's a slide-show like banner on the link above and here's a link to other pictures) every year I feel more and more detached from the school itself. I guess it's a combination of the changes there as well as the additional years of separation from who I was then vs. who I am now. So, less nostalgia, more how're things going (with beer and natchos) and a good time was had by all.

12 deeply creased, dogeared comment(s):

Lee said...

I swear we could probably find world peace if they would just serve beer and nachos at all those political meetings.

Bob said...

damned straight! Ought to be manditory. no ties, no advisors, just leaders (shit)faced to face with a pitcher and some nachos. world peace couldn't be far behind.

why doncha trot on up capitol hill and enlighten Condi.

meno said...

You are going to be a world traveler over the next year. Take pictures.

Anonymous said...

Less nostalgia and more beer sounds good. A perfect excuse to see a friend, especially before you leave for such a long trip. Maybe in your absence, Laura will decide to take up blogging?

Bob said...

meno - I plan to take laura's camera.

de - I agree - gotta live in the present, look forward to the future.

I'll work on laura, she's been talking about maybe starting.

Rachel said...

Be safe over there, okay? Its not exactly a calm area...

I worry...

Anyway, sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy, so I, for one, wont take it personally that you've "been neglecting" us. LOL. Life happens! It HAS to, or you wouldnt have anything to blog about. When you get back, you'll have LOADS of blogs to blog.

Mother of Invention said...

It's been a long time since I graduated in '76 and I feel soooo out of it if I ever visit! I just don't do that much. Good luck with all your trip preps! There must be a ton to do.

jaded said...

Do I need a special license to drive BobNuts? And does the 07 model come with a cd changer?

Liv said...

I think you should keep up with Greens 'n Cornbread while abroad. But, maybe you could retitle it with some regional specialty of the house??

ps--don't let Patches drive anything you own. He's sloppy with a stick shift and can't see over the steering wheel. Oh, and he drinks.

JCK said...

That's cool that you get to see your best friend from college every year. It sounds like a great tradition - especially incorporating nachos...I haven't had those in ages.

Good luck on your Bahrain prep. I grew up in Beirut, Lebanon, so I know the brushing up on Arabic takes some time. Do consider keeping up with your blog. Perhaps you could call it Hummus & Pita.

Bob said...

rachel - thank you for being concerned, I appreciate it. I plan on keeping a low-profile, ESPECIALLY if/when I go to Pakistan.

MoI - their having an annual celebration and the college only being 2.5 hours away makes it easy to visit.

Patches - there is only one license-holder for bobnuts.

Liv - I plan on trying, although it will probably kill my nablopomo attempt.

I have found, like you apparently just did, that cats have a particular inability to drive a stick shift. the tail gets in the way.

jck - we actually get together 3-4 times a year, it's just that mountain day is a good excuse for one of the meet-ups.

Were you there pre or post civil war? I heard much about pre-war Beirut from my arabic instructors.

Thanks for stopping by!

JCK said...

Hey Bob,

Yes, we lived there "back in the day" as it were. When Beirut was considered the "Paris of the Middle East." I lived in a Lebanese community where the people were the kindest you'd want to meet, went to an American School where teachers had a passion for teaching, and made lifelong friends. My dad worked for a private company and my parents had quite the night life in the 70's pre-civiil war. We had to leave the country in 4 hours one day, it was very difficult. OK, more than you asked for. I am the QUEEN OF TMI!