Monday, October 01, 2007

the solstice has slipped

I was getting ready for work this morning and went into the bathroom to take a shower. This being a getting-on-for 70 year-old house we have no central A/C and so the bathroom window is kept open - in a futile attempt at a little air circulation. I started to shiver a bit in the morning coolness and ran a hot shower. I got into the shower, stepped into the water stream and that WONDERFUL feeling of hot water enveloping me, the initial sting of heat and then the relaxing warmth ran through me and I realized - this was my first hot shower since, what, March? April at the latest. I actually had to turn the hot water faucet further than a centimeter.

Fall might just have fallen.

11 deeply creased, dogeared comment(s):

Lee said...

I take a scalding hot shower even in the middle of summer, even though it makes me dizzy and woozy. I can't help it. I'm retarded.

I have had the lovely feeling of pulling up the heavy quilt from the end of the bed and snuggling in.

Bob said...

lee - I don't take hot showers in the summer, I have this thing about not sweating after just having showered.

there is something comforting about the weight and warmth of sleeping under a heavy blanket.

Mother of Invention said...

The angle of the sun in its zenith has definitely lowered. We are still sleeping in our summer bedroom with just a few windows open, depending on the temp, but in the morning, the sun no longer streams across the bed...sigh!
We'll be in there till Hallowe'en night as per tradition...but if there were some mild nights in November, we may just break with that! I love this keeps my mind open.

Liv said...

Well, I guess suggesting you might need a cold shower has no meaning to you. LOL

Here, the A/C is off, the fans are on and the screen door is open. Let's not talk about it further. We don't want to jinx ourselves.

meno said...

Fall has fell here with a big thump. Right now the rain is thumping away on the skylight and the cats are snoozing on the couch.

Lynnea said...

I must say the return of hot showers was a welcome one from me. One of the pro's I put on the list for why summer ending is ok. Big soft blankets are on the list too. Sigh.

Rachel said...

I like to take steamy hot baths even in the dead heat of high summer.

Lex said...

I just noticed the leaves changing yesterday. I love fall!!

Bob said...

MoI - somehow I was thinking that your Summer porch was part of the remodeling. Anyway, sounds like you're having a mild fall so far.

There used to be a tradition here in the south, before A/C, that people would move their beds out onto the wrap-around porches to sleep there during the summer, with sheets hung to give a bit of privacy. Your Summer bedroom sounds neat.

liv - it wouldn't be the first time summer has come back for one last heatwave. we'll not talk about it anymore.

meno - sounds like prime napping weather to me.

maggie - now if we could only get the mosquitoes to see reason and die off, it would me soooo much more better!

rachel - sorry, not for me. I get out of the shower still sweating and feel like I have to start all over again.

Bob said...

lex (you slipped in on me!) I love the fall foliage too - we just don't get much around here. the four seasons of a pine trees are green and green and green and green.

urban-urchin said...

I'm with you on the no sweating after the shower in summer- blech. I love fall- the light is gorgeous and it's not cold but not oppressively hot and the mosquitos are gone.