Thursday, November 01, 2007

ready....., steady........go!

I am going to try to keep up with nablopomo whilst in the midst of my trip. odds are I won't get very far - I haven't had more than 15 minutes for blogging since arriving, so you do the math.

In any event, I'll share the view outside of my apartment - in response to Scott's challenge from sometime back in the olden times when I was in the US and could keep up with what day it is.

These pictures were taken in front of the apartment building I'm staying in.

This is the view across the street from the entrance into the apartment building.

This is the view 90 degrees to the right.

this is the view from the window in the living room. That little slice of blue above the dirt is the Persian Gulf. There is A LOT of dirt here. This island is mostly rock. So the scenery has a overwhelming khaki color with random palms sprinkled in for a peek of greenery.

So, anyway, here's a start to the month. Wish me luck keeping up with it, the real work here hasn't even started yet.

6 deeply creased, dogeared comment(s):

MitMoi said...

Desert and sea together ... kind of like ying/yang isn't it?

Thanks for the pics ...

and [sends positive thoughts] NaBloPoMo FTW!

Anonymous said...

You need to change your background color to green if you're going to keep showing pictures like that. So far, I'd hate it. What's the temp?

How's your room? How's the maid? How's the food?

JCK said...

I'm glad to see you are up for the NaBloPoMo challenge. You can do it! Your blog will be far more interesting than the rest of us as you are doing something new - traveling and experiencing life in another place.

meno said...

Man, that looks like the desert! All brown and....brown.

I wish you luck, but i believe you will do fine.

Liv said...

wow! you're really there! so cool!

amusing said...

Gee, it has the same bunker-like quality that Tel Aviv does....